6 Silver Lining Symptoms of Menopause: It Ain’t All Bad!

There is a lot to be said about menopause and let’s face it, nearly all of it is negative. This is understandable as there are some pretty hefty downsides, for example mood swings, loss of libido and those dreaded hot flashes – not cool (get it?)
With so much doom and gloom surrounding the “change” we decided it was time to start talking about the positives!
No More Tampons!
Never again will you have to dash to your local convenience store at 11pm because you’ve realized you’ve run out of tampons. Women in the US spend around $70 a year on period protection (unless you’re a nifty menstrual cup user that is) and that quickly adds up!
This doesn’t even count your monthly purchases of chocolate, late night snacks and comfy underwear. And speaking of underwear, never again will you ruin your favorite pair by accidentally bleeding on them (we’ve all been there.)
No More Crazy Hormones!
Ever since puberty, your body has been on a monthly roller coaster of hormonal changes brought on by your menstrual cycle. Once you are through peri-menopause, your hormones begin to settle and you’ll no longer have to plan your life around the way they make you feel.
The average length of peri-menopause is four years, but for some lucky women, it can be as short as 12 months.. Once you’re out of the woods, you’re done with hormones and for the first time in your life since puberty, you are in control of your own body. No more menstruating, gestating or lactating, your body is entirely your own. Embrace it, celebrate it and get to know the new you!
No Risk Of Pregnancy!
Once you have been period-free for 12 months you are considered menopausal (but you should double check with your doctor for confirmation.) This means you no longer have to worry about birth control, and you can enjoy as much blissful pregnancy-free sex as you want. However, it is important to remember that STI’s are still a health risk, and unless you and your partner are in a strictly monogamous relationship, condoms are essential! Between 2007 and 2011 chlamydia infections in Americans over 65 increased by 31 percent and syphilis by 52 percent!
Time To Experiment!
Many women worry that menopause means the end of their sex life – not the case! Some women actually feel more sexually liberated after going through the menopause, having become more comfortable with themselves and more aware their needs.
However, the drop in estrogen levels during menopause can lead to vaginal dryness, which can cause discomfort during penetrative sex, but this is easily remedied with a good feminine moisturizer. Get down, try something new and remember: the more lube the merrier. There are many ways to have amazing sex during menopause, so get experimenting!
The Empty Nest!
If you opted to have children, then they are probably approaching the age where they will be moving out or off to college. Now that you have the house properly to yourself for the first time in years, make the most of it -no more worrying about children bursting in during an intimate moment!
Your children being grown up and moved out doesn’t just affect your sex life. It affects every area of your life, your whole nest as it were. You will have more time to focus on yourself, time to get to know the new child-free you. You can indulge in hobbies you never had time for, or go back to school, or change careers; with less responsibilities at home now is your chance!
Time To Get Zesty!
American anthropologist Margaret Mead coined the phrase ‘menopausal zest’ in the 1950s. She said, ‘there is no greater creative force in the world than a menopausal woman with zest.’ Many other women claim that after going through the menopause they experienced a complete existential overhaul, rethinking their entire purpose and refocusing their lives. Menopause presents an excellent opportunity to focus on yourself and the future that you want.
There are clear stages in a woman’s life and menopause is merely the next chapter of this story. So celebrate it, and allow menopause to reaffirm your womanhood. Begin the next chapter of life as you mean to go on, with excitement, vigor and that all important menopausal zest!
A collective group of “lady experts” at Intimina who love sharing our personal experiences, even when they are a little too personal. We believe it’s time to start breaking down the taboos around menstruation, motherhood, and menopause, and start owning our female health.