The Benefits of Organ Supplements

Pregnancy | | Natasha Weiss
4 min read

In the constantly growing world of wellness, there are countless diets, tricks, tips, and supplements being thrown your way all the time. It can be confusing and difficult to figure out what the best choices are for you.  The thing is, there’s no one right choice. You may have different needs at different points in your menstrual cycle, the seasons, and throughout your life. Some of these practices are rooted in age-old traditions and may be an easy way to support your health and wellbeing.  Cue organ supplements. 

What are Organ Supplements?

When we say organ supplements, we don’t mean supplements that support your organs – although they certainly do that.  We’re talking about supplements that are made entirely from the organs of certain animals.  What? You heard us right. Organ supplements are freeze-dried and encapsulated organs, typically sourced from beef. They are not artificially synthesized and high-quality ones are made without any fillers. Just straight organs in an easy-to-consume capsule.

The most common organ supplements consumed are:

  • Liver
  • Heart
  • Marrow
  • Thyroid
  • Spleen
  • Thymus
  • Kidney and adrenal
  • Stomach

Now that you know what organ supplements are, you might be wondering why on earth someone would take them.

Nose to Tail

Traditionally humans who hunted (which was most of them) would eat “nose to tail”. Essentially they would make use of every part of the animal, and consume many of the parts that are often discarded these days. Ironically, the organs, bones, and other parts of animals that aren’t eaten as often these days tend to be more nutritious than the fatty parts we do eat.  If you’re someone who consumes animal products, you’re probably familiar with the trend of drinking bone broth and taking collagen supplements. Maybe you’ve even noticed the benefits of them yourself. Taking organ supplements comes from the same school of thought.

Why Organ Supplements?

People take organ supplements for the same reasons they eat organs – they’re chalked full of essential nutrients. Beef liver and other organs are high in protein, amino acids, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B vitamins, and more! They’re also full of essential minerals like:

  • Iron
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Phosphorous 

These minerals are essential for everyday health and functioning and help support your immune system, metabolism, bone health, blood health, and much more. Some people believe that eating specific organs helps benefit that organ. Like say you have low thyroid hormone levels, the idea is you would eat beef thyroid and it may help increase your energy levels and support any symptoms you may be experiencing. 

Or if you’re anemic (low on iron), you may benefit from taking blood supplements, or any organ, as they’re all high in iron and other minerals that are essential for iron absorption.

There are limited studies on the validity of this outside of anecdotal evidence. If you do have any health issues you’re looking to treat, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider before turning to something like organ supplements.

Organ supplements are also good for people who want the nutritional benefits that you can get from consuming animal products, without having to taste them. Like, say people transitioning from a vegetarian or plant-based diet. 

Another important aspect of consuming organs from animals, whether or not they’re in supplement form is sustainability. This practice allows humans to get nutrition from things that otherwise would be wasted.

Are There Any Health Risks?

Almost everything comes with some potential health risks, and organ supplements are no exception.  They are however very low for most people. 

You may want to avoid organ supplements if you:

  • Are pregnant: Although some are necessary, high amounts of Vitamin A may have adverse effects on fetal development.
  • Have high cholesterol.
  • Have gout: Some components of animal organs may trigger a gout episode.

What to Remember When Consuming Organ Supplements

Just like eating meat, the quality of the beef your organ supplements comes from matters. When buying organ supplements you’ll want to make sure they are:

  • Grass-fed
  • Hormone, Pesticide & GMO-Free
  • Third-Party Tested For Purity
  • No Fillers or Flow Agents
  • Pasture Raised

Regulations around supplements and meat quality vary from country to country, however, most suppliers of organ supplements hold themselves to high standards and will implement these practices on their own. The consumption of animal products is somewhat contentious. Some people argue for plants only, while others go to the other extreme and support the “carnivorous diet”.

Life is about balance, and about finding what works best for you. If you’re curious about organ supplements, give it a try. Besides being a little pricey, they come with little to no risk and may make a difference in your energy levels.  If you’re curious about the nutritional benefits of organs but don’t want to spring for supplements, high-quality beef liver is readily available and tends to be cheaper than other more coveted cuts. Just ask your local butcher!

1 thought on “The Benefits of Organ Supplements

  • Denise Chapman says:


    considering purchasing but dont like to overtake vitamins. Was looking into this to replace my animo acid supplmentation. does this product have all the necessary aminos? thanks again

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