Your Period horror stories: ‘A huge blood clot fell out of me in front of everyone!’

October is my birthday month. I love when nature changes clothes, the weather is warm, the trees are colourful, and everything is just so beautiful. Hi, my name is Jo, a mother of five, aged from kindergarten to school. You can imagine how much time I (don’t) have to myself. This is why I appreciate a ‘day off’ more than the best cake in the world.
Last month, my husband decided to take care of all five and send me to pick my birthday present. A month ago, I started a weight loss program and have since lost 7 kilos. With the extra confidence, I was looking forward to a nice nature walk followed by a spending spree at a nearby shopping centre.
I put on lipstick, did my hair, and even decided to wear a dress because it was the last day of my period. I removed my pad to have a better silhouette. Yes, it was risky, but I was in such a good mood that I couldn’t imagine something dampening it. (Watch what you think, they say. I know now!)
I felt so good I even decided to go by bike instead of tramming it. Spending that free time outside was amazingly relaxing… perfect for daydreaming.
Just before arriving at the mall, I stopped at a traffic light at a huge intersection. I dropped my foot on the sidewalk and at that same moment, I suddenly felt something between my legs, like when my water broke before labour. I was horrified, shocked. I thought I was urinating uncontrollably! I froze and continued to push my bike across the road.
While I was walking, I touched the dress secretly. It was completely wet. ‘Oh My God, what happened to me?!’, I freaked out.
In the parking lot of the centre, I tied my bicycle and in a bent position realized that a thin stream of blood was pouring down my legs. WHAT IS THIS?
In the shopping centre, I dodged people while running towards the toilet. ‘I hope no one sees me, I thought. And in the toilet, yet another shock. For the first time in my life, on the last day of my period, a huge blood clot fell out of me. I was all dirty, covered with blood.
I wiped my feet with toilet paper, made a paper pad, and covered myself from embarrassment. The dress was wet, but fortunately black, so it wasn’t visible. Horrified and shocked, I headed back to the exit, got on my bike and peddled home as fast as I could. My perfect shopping would have been better if I hadn’t taken out the pad, or if I had a menstrual cup. I didn’t even get to pick out a gift.
I still stress out imagining the blood clot falling out of me in front of everyone. Hopefully, it doesn’t become viral.
Comment our period stories in the section below the article, the most creative comments will be rewarded!
Read all your stories:
Story One: Hanging Out At The Beach–Literally!
Story Two: ‘My Kimono Was Drenched In Blood
A collective group of “lady experts” at Intimina who love sharing our personal experiences, even when they are a little too personal. We believe it’s time to start breaking down the taboos around menstruation, motherhood, and menopause, and start owning our female health.
Nadam se da si se vratila po svoj rođendanski ? da si uz njega kupila i svoju čašicu.? I tako si uljepšala dan?
OMG! This sounds so horrible! I never had anything like this happening to me, I was pretty lucky in regards to this, the only bad thing was the awful structure of the pad and the rashes. Pretty much sucked the life out of me. So discs made their way to my heart easily