Turning Chaos into Creativity – A Novel Way to Think About Working from Home During the COVID-19 Crisis

Women's Health | | INTIMINA
5 min read

The chaos of corona virus and international quarantines have turned the working world upside down.

However, if your job only requires a laptop and internet connection, this is your time to shine. Yes, as crazy as that sounds in the midst of a pandemic, I’m being totally serious.

As a longtime freelance writer for INTIMINA and loads of other online publications, I’ve needed nothing more than an email account, a free download of OpenOffice and a reliable place to turn on Wifi since 2016. The vast majority of my projects don’t even require a phone call, much less a face-to-face meeting with 6 feet separating myself from my client.

Working from home is a dream goal for some, and a confusing change for others. Even if you’re chomping at the bit to get back to the structure of the office – and especially if you’re not – I implore you to use this time to your advantage.

Though most bosses would have us believe otherwise, office environments can be extremely distracting, discouraging and draining. After getting a taste of composing emails under a sunny window in your apartment, going back to the cubicle might not sound so enticing.

Underneath the dark clouds of corona virus could lie a surprising revelation: that working remotely actually benefits both you and your employer. Want to make them believe it? Read on for some unconventional thoughts and tips on making the best of an otherwise scary situation.

Kick the Guilt About Your Silver Lining

By now, you’ve probably already panicked and attempted to process the morbid situation that is this global pandemic. It’s ok to still feel anxious about your situation and sympathetic for the health and livelihoods of your family and friends.

But among all the stress and panic, you should not feel guilty about finding a silver lining. Right now, your silver lining is the ability to work from home.

Think about it. Working remotely is one of the most sought-after career goals of the last decade. Just browse Instagram for tags like #digitalnomad or #remoteoffice (and try not to drown in jealousy over all the people clocking in from a white, sandy beach or a veranda overlooking a luscious coastline).

Do you know how many folks have been pining to be in your shoes, even before all the corona craziness hit? While you might be far from a tropical beach right now, you’ve had a fantastic opportunity fall right in your lap.

Now it’s all about making lemonade from some otherwise horribly sour lemons and showing your employer why a work-from-home arrangement is to their (and your!) benefit.

Ditch the Need to Feel Busy

For the vast majority of us, working for nearly 8 straight hours isn’t even possible. You’re not necessarily browsing Facebook with your phone hidden under your desk because you’re bored. You’re sneaking a social media break because your exhausted brain desperately needs a break.

Relax, friend. You’re at home now. There’s no manager to judge you for taking a 5-minute scroll through Twitter. Say goodbye to the supervisors giving you the evil eye for getting up for 4 cups of coffee or a stretch. If those little rituals help to keep you on task and allow you to jump back on the work horse, do them without shame or secrecy.

Without the boss watching over your shoulder, you don’t have to be pretend to be busy for the entirety of the workday. Use those brain breaks to your advantage and focus on your output and quality, not the amount of hours you’ve appeared to be working – which brings me to my next point.

Focus on Productivity

There seems to be a misconception among many employers (especially in the US, at least by my observations) that folks who work from home are less productive or somehow less deserving of a good salary.

Working from home – or anywhere other than a company’s main office, for that matter – needs to lose the stigma of being a privilege or an excuse to goof off. And what will speak the loudest and prove your old-school, 9-to-5 boss wrong? The quality of your work output.

Now is the time to show off your talents and bring your productivity to life. Exceed deadlines whenever you can. Turn in the most stellar projects and assignments you’ve ever created. Knock out those small tasks you’ve left on the back burner to-do list for weeks. Make those leftover phone calls you’ve been putting off (which will now pack twice the impact with clients or colleagues who will appreciate you checking in during a crisis).

You know your boss best (and hopefully they’re not an insufferable jerk who won’t notice your increased efforts). Do whatever you think will knock their socks off and lead them to think more positively about remote work.

Discover Quirky New Ways to Rock Your Work Day

Many folks need traditional work day rituals – like showering as soon as the alarm rings, shaving or slapping on a face of make-up, and donning fresh clothes. If you know that’s what works for you, keep doing it.

But if you’re working from home for the first time, you might discover that your best work day doesn’t come from typical routines.

I’ve personally found that a shower and change of clothes in the morning is often a distraction from morning motivation. Quite often, I awake ready to tackle my inbox and get to work on writing assignments before I’ve changed out of yesterday’s leggings and hoodie. If I ignore that morning creative streak and get showered, dressed and primped, I can kiss that awesome boost of natural motivation goodbye.

I begin my most productive work days answering emails before I’ve even jumped out of bed, and my daily shower usually happens around lunch time. It might sound weird, but it’s better than trudging to my laptop without a single spark of morale.

In this new, less supervised environment, you might feel the same way. Whether it’s skipping the early shower or replacing your commute with 30 minutes of yoga or conquering a project while wearing a unicorn onesie – just go for it!

Not only will your boss and colleagues remain unaware, they won’t have a reason to care when you’re kicking ass at your job. And just think, that might be because of your unicorn onesie! How rad is that?

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