How does my cervix size affect my cup choice?
The closer your cervix is to the entrance of your vagina, the shorter your vaginal canal is, and this may affect the type of cup you should use. Take into consideration that the cervix height changes depending on the time of the month, even during the period - it can get lower or higher.
Women with a lower cervix may find Lily Cup One more comfortable as it is shorter.
How do I measure my cervix height?
- Insert a (clean) finger into your vagina. Keep moving until the tip of your finger is touching your cervix. You’ll be able to distinguish your cervix from the rest of your vagina, as the tissue is a little bit firmer than your vaginal walls. It feels a little like the tip of your nose.
- If you can only get one joint of your finger in, you have a very low cervix. Two joints? You have an average cervix height. If you can fit your entire finger into your vagina before you touch your cervix, then you have a high cervix.
- Once you are familiar with the height of your cervix, you can note the measurement and compare it against the length of different menstrual cups to find out the perfect one for you.
How does my cervix size affect my cup choice?
The stem is too long and I can feel it - what can I do about it?
If your cervix is low, you have these options:
With the Lily Cup, you can:
- Trim the stem – the max you can trim the stem is to just above the top ring/grip line. Be very careful not to puncture the cup, or it will be unusable.
- Switch to the Lily Cup Compact – the Compact is somewhat shorter than the Lily Cup and, if you need to, you could trim the stem or turn it inside out.
With the Lily Cup Compact, you can:
- Trim the stem - If you’re trimming the stem on the Lily Cup Compact, you can only trim to just above the 3rd ring /grip line. Any more than that, and a hole will be made in the cup.
- Turn the stem inside out - the cup can be taken out by gripping its bottom since the stem will be inside the cup.
With the Lily Cup One, you can:
- Trim the loop - You can cut the loop by following the curved line at the bottom of the cup.
The stem is too long and I can feel it - what can I do about it?
How to choose a cup for heavy/easy flow?
Many factors should be considered when choosing a cup, including pelvic floor strength, childbearing history, and cervix height (how long your vaginal canal is).
In general, for a heavier flow, we recommend Lily Cup as it has a higher capacity than the Compact (28 ml / .95 oz vs. 18 ml / .61 oz). However, a heavy period doesn’t mean you can’t use Lily Cup Compact; you may have to empty the cup a little more often on your heavier days.
Lily Cup One is perfect for those who have never used menstrual cups, never had penetrative intercourse or those with the easier flow.
Ziggy Cup covers light to heavy flow – up to 76 ml / 2.67 oz!
We recommend you try choosing your cup with your anatomy in mind first and then consider your flow. There might be a “smaller” size that fits you best, with just the right capacity for your flow.
Choosing between size A & B:
Childbirth can often affect the shape of the vagina and weaken pelvic floor tone. Size B is recommended for all women who have given birth vaginally.
Pelvic Floor Tone: The pelvic floor muscles, also known as vaginal muscles, play an important role when wearing a menstrual cup because they determine the width of the vaginal canal and are the muscles that hold the cup in place. Like any other muscle group, as we age, they lose elasticity and are often affected by pregnancy or hormonal changes. If you know you have a weaker pelvic floor (for example, if you experience bladder leaks or have lost vaginal tone), we recommend that you use size B.
Size A is recommended for those who have not given birth or those who gave birth by Caesarean.
How to choose a cup for heavy/easy flow?
How to insert the cup (and different ways on how to insert due to different anatomy)?
It's important to try out all the different folds and insertion methods to see which one works best for you. This “How to Use” video can help you a lot with figuring out the best folds and methods for getting the cup in and you can try out each fold.
Sit or stand in a slight squatting position and relax your vaginal muscles. If necessary, apply some water-based lubricant to the vaginal opening for added comfort. What works well for many women is to sit on the toilet with their knees quite far apart (this opens the vagina up a bit more). You can try inserting it in the shower while standing up or with one leg on the edge of the tub – the water can also help the cup slide into place easier. As you would with a tampon, angle your cup towards your tailbone and insert it upwards until the stem is inside. On the Lily Cup, the tall rim of the cup should be situated towards your back. We also recommend inserting the cup a bit higher than it needs to be at first, you can use your finger on the rim of the cup to push it further into your vagina. Then squeeze or press the body of the cup a few times (as high on the body as you can reach) to try and get the rim to pop open and form a seal. If the cup still doesn't open you can slide your finger up to the rim of the cup and press inwards. Then you can pass your finger around the cup and wiggle it so it pops open – which can help more stubborn folds to open fully.
To learn more about folds, visit our blog, where you can find everything about different kinds of folds.
How to insert the cup (and different ways on how to insert due to different anatomy)?
How to take it out?
To remove, wash your hands and sit in a slightly squatting position, i.e. over the toilet.
Relax your body and use your vaginal muscles to gently push the cup down and grip the stem to slowly pull downwards. Once you can feel the base of the cup softly squeeze the base to release the seal. If you have difficulty releasing the seal, gently shift the cup from side to side.
Gently pull the stem downwards and when you feel that the base is almost out, angle it slightly to avoid any spilling. Remain calm if you cannot remove your cup—it is common to have a little initial difficulty with removal. The key to easy removal is relaxing your body.
If the seal will not release, slide your finger as high up on the body of the cup as you can and press in, this should break the seal. You can also push directly in on the rim as well.
If you have any further concerns always contact your medical practitioner.
How to take it out?
How to maintain it?
Intimina Cups can be washed with mild soap and hot water, or with a special cleaning product. The silicone is very flexible so it is easy to clean in between the folds. For a more thorough cleaning in between periods, we recommend that you boil the cup submerged in a pot of water for 5 to 8 minutes. Other methods, recommended for occasional cleaning to removing stains: Hydrogen peroxide (1%): Use 1 part 1% hydrogen peroxide and 1 part water. Submerge your cup and let it soak cup for 24 hours. Wash well to remove all of the hydrogen peroxide residues before using it or storing it. White vinegar: Use 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water. Submerge and soak your cup for 24 hours. If, after washing the cup well, it still smells like vinegar follow up by boiling as above. Milton sterilizing tablets: Follow manufacturer’s instructions. We DO NOT recommend using sterilizing bags or microwaving our cups. We do not recommend cleaning your Lily Cup in the dishwasher as the harsh chemicals used in detergents could cause irritation to your intimate areas.
Always remember to wash your hands before handling your cup - consider carrying antibacterial hand wipes or hand sanitizer in your bag. Our cups are designed not to encourage bacterial growth so that you can skip a rinse once in a while. If you don’t have access to a sink, you may use a piece of toilet paper to wipe the cup and re-insert it. Another option is to take a bottle of water with you into the bathroom stall and rinse the cup over the toilet.
We do not recommend that you use or share any intimate products that others have used. While the cups are made of medical-grade silicone and don’t encourage the growth of bacteria, there is still a risk of spreading infections or STIs if the cup isn’t cleaned properly. To be on the safe side, we would recommend that you buy a new cup.
How to maintain it?
Why and how to boil a cup?
Cleaning and storing your Intimina Cup properly will ensure that it lasts for a number of years. Boiling the cup ensures the cup is fully sterilized before your first usage. Fully submerge your cup in boiling water for 5 to 8 minutes. Do not boil dry.
You don’t need to boil your cup every time you reinsert it. We recommend doing it before (and after) every cycle.
Why and how to boil a cup?
How long can I wear a menstrual cup?
All cups are offering 8 hours of protection, including while you sleep. However, how often you personally need to change it depends on your flow. For those heavier days, you may need to change it more frequently than on your lighter ones.
How long can I wear a menstrual cup?
When will I know I need to replace my menstrual cup?
You can wear your cup for up to 8 hours, and we recommend that you empty your cup 3-4 times per 24 hour period. Generally speaking, the lighter your flow, the less frequent the changes. With time and practice, you will be able to gauge how often you need to empty your cup.
When treated with care, Lily Cups can be used for up to 10 years, while Ziggy Cup can be used for up to 2 years.
When will I know I need to replace my menstrual cup?
How to use Ziggy Cup?
Using your fingers, squeeze the rim in half for insertion, making an ‘8’ shape. Sitting comfortably on the toilet, relax your vaginal muscles and insert the cup into your vagina by firmly pushing the back rim inside, so the rim moves behind your cervix. Then tuck the front rim up behind your pelvic bone. The cup will fit perfectly around your cervix to collect your flow. A few additional tips for insertion that we recommend specifically for Ziggy Cup; it is important to note that there is actually a front and back to the Ziggy Cup! If you look at the cup from the side, you'll see the difference: one side of the cup looks to be slightly thicker and gives you a bit more space to get a grip on the cup during insertion. Try squeezing in the middle, insert back end (thinner part) first and tuck it behind the pubic bone. After that, try to kind of push it further in by pushing the thicker-rimmed part, and just go over it with your finger. You can also try to feel that your cervix is in the middle and touch with your finger to make sure the rim is open if it's still tucked properly!
To remove your Ziggy Cup, you need to be sitting comfortably on the toilet (or crouch down), relax your body and insert your finger into your vagina, hooking it under the front rim of Ziggy Cup. Gently pull the cup out, making sure it is horizontal to avoid spillage. Empty the contents into the toilet, then rinse and reinsert for 8 more hours of protection.
How to use Ziggy Cup?
What's the front and the back of Ziggy?
You can turn the cup over and look at the bottom - the front rim of the cup looks slightly thicker, and the cup itself is shallower on that part, while the back of the rim is thinner and the cup is deeper. This gives you a bit more space to get a grip on the cup during insertion (tucking it back/up behind the pelvic bone) and removal (hooking the finger behind the rim and wiggling it down).
The detailed photo here.
What's the front and the back of Ziggy?
Can Ziggy Cup be used as contraception?
Although Ziggy Cup can be worn during sexual intercourse, it doesn’t act as a contraceptive and will not protect you from STI's or pregnancy as a result of sexual intercourse.
Can Ziggy Cup be used as contraception?
How does period underwear work? Does it leak?
How does period underwear work? Does it leak?
Can I wear Bloom period underwear without additional protection?
Can I wear Bloom period underwear without additional protection?
How do I keep my Bloom underpants fresh and without any smell?
Bloom underwear should not have any odor if appropriately maintained. Here are a few suggestions:
- Change your underwear regularly - do not wear the same pair two days in a row
- Wash them properly and use a suitable laundry detergent - you can find the instructions on the packaging
- Avoid wearing them for too long - one pair should be worn approx. 20 hours max
- Avoid wearing tight clothing
How do I keep my Bloom underpants fresh and without any smell?
Are Bloom underpants bulky? Will it be noticeable that I’m wearing period underwear?
Are Bloom underpants bulky? Will it be noticeable that I’m wearing period underwear?
Can you tell me more about the fabric in Bloom underwear?
Can you tell me more about the fabric in Bloom underwear?
How should I wash my Bloom underwear?
How should I wash my Bloom underwear?
I accidentally used fabric softener on/tumble-dried my Bloom underwear. Are they ruined?
I accidentally used fabric softener on/tumble-dried my Bloom underwear. Are they ruined?
Does your period underwear contain PFAS?
Does your period underwear contain PFAS?
What are PFAS?
What are PFAS?
How do I choose my size of Bloom underwear?
You can find our size chart here. If you are unsure about your sizing, we always recommend measuring the widest part of the hips.
How do I choose my size of Bloom underwear?
Is there an expiration period for the underwear?
Is there an expiration period for the underwear?
Can I wear them overnight?
Can I wear them overnight?
How many pairs do I need?
How many pairs do I need?
What is KegelSmart™ 2? What’s the difference from the first KegelSmart?
KegelSmart™ 2 is the new generation of our first personal trainer for your pelvic floor, the original KegelSmart. It's offering a whole new way to do your Kegel exercises. Setting you a routine that is simple to follow, safe to use, and completely tailored to your individual needs, KegelSmart devices are Kegel exercising made easy. KegelSmart™ 2 has five progressive levels, each with an exercise routine that perfectly matches your strength level. Its advanced technology registers your pelvic floor strength and automatically sets the exercise level to suit your needs. Simply follow the vibration-guided program; you only have to contract when it vibrates and rest when it stops. In less than 5 minutes, you will have completed an expertly designed pelvic exercise routine. If you're wondering about the difference from the device's first generation, the new Kegel Smart 2 does not need batteries - it's completely rechargeable and comes with a charging cord.
What is KegelSmart™ 2? What’s the difference from the first KegelSmart?
What advantages does KegelSmart™ 2 have over unassisted training?
Kegels are the most important exercises a woman can do to protect her intimate health at every age. However, many women don’t get the full benefits of their exercises because they don’t know how to do Kegels correctly without assistance. Research shows that 50% of women cannot complete a correct Kegel contraction using written or verbal instructions alone. This is why the KegelSmart™ 2 has so many advantages. KegelSmart™ 2 chooses an exercise level that is perfectly suited for your pelvic floor strength, ensuring that you exercise at a level that will bring you the best results. It also guides you through every contraction of the exercise routine, ensuring that you hold and rest for the right amount of time with no need for counting. The device itself provides an anatomically shaped object to contract around, offering resistance and helping you to exercise correctly. KegelSmart™ 2 is your personal trainer for intimate fitness – it gives you personalized coaching and the motivation to achieve your goals.
What advantages does KegelSmart™ 2 have over unassisted training?
What is the difference between the five levels?
The KegelSmart™ 2 exercise routines get gradually more challenging as you move from level 1 to level 5. Specifically, the length of time you need to hold the squeeze of your pelvic floor muscles at each contraction increases; the rest time between squeezes is shorter; hence the duration of the exercise sessions gets longer as you move up the levels. While exercising, KegelSmart™ 2 measures the strength of your squeeze, how long you can hold the squeeze, and how quickly your muscles respond when you need to squeeze. When these aspects have improved, it will move you up to the next level. KegelSmart™ 2 can also move you down a level if you are struggling with the new routine, so you are always exercising safely and not overexerting your muscles.
What is the difference between the five levels?
How do I charge KegelSmart™ 2?
To charge your KegelSmart™ 2, first, insert the DC adapter end into the product by twisting and removing the cap. Next, plug your USB charging cable into a USB power source like your computer. The device's bottom light will illuminate to indicate charging and will remain on until the device is fully charged. We recommend fully charging your KegelSmart™ 2 for optimal performance before using it for the first time.
How do I charge KegelSmart™ 2?
My KegelSmart™ 2 won't charge. What should I do?
If the light on your device fails to turn on, it may indicate that the device is already fully charged. However, to confirm this, here are a few tips you can follow:
- First, examine your USB charging cable for any signs of damage
- Check the pin on the DC socket of your device to ensure that it is not damaged.
If you still have difficulty charging your Kegel Smart 2, please contact our customer care team at customercare@intimina.com for further assistance.
My KegelSmart™ 2 won't charge. What should I do?
How long does the battery last?
KegelSmart™ 2 has over 2 hours of run time. This means that if you use it even longer than recommended 5 minutes a session, let's say 10 minutes, that will still give you 20 times of using it before any charging is needed.
How long does the battery last?
I keep moving down a level; am I doing it wrong?
KegelSmart™ 2 is programmed to start on level 3 to initially test your strength. After the first workout, the program will move you up or down based on your ability. For safety reasons, KegelSmart™ 2 has been programmed only to move 1 level at a time, so that is why you would initially have moved to level 2 and then to 1, as it is impossible to go from 3 to 1 after one workout. It is pretty normal to move down to level 1 when you first start to use the device. KegelSmart™ 2 measures three aspects while you are exercising – the strength of the contraction, the speed or response time, and the endurance (ability to hold the contraction and finish the routine) – and the combination of these areas will determine if you move to the next level so it can take some time to achieve all of these areas.
The fact that KegelSmart™ 2 only moves 1 level at a time is why, when you tested it by squeezing with your hand, it only went to level 2. If you do another test using your hand, you should see that you will move to level 3, then 4, and then 5. Squeezing with your hand is definitely strong enough for level 5, but the device will not move from level 1 to 5 after one session. You can do this test to ensure the device is working correctly and there is no fault.
To ensure the device can read your pelvic floor, it should be positioned just inside the vagina, not pushed in too deep. You should also ensure that you are using the correct muscles when exercising, as it is often the case that women squeeze the abdomen or buttocks instead of the pelvic floor. The movement should be similar to stopping urine flow; it is an internal upward lifting motion. There are two easy ways to check that you are contracting the right muscles: you can either use a finger to feel the lower edge of your KegelSmart™ 2 moving upwards or a mirror to see the retraction cord move upwards with each contraction.
Remember, we are all different and will progress at our own pace. Staying at the same level does not mean you aren’t improving; it just means you haven’t quite progressed enough for the next level. The most important thing is that you continue exercising consistently. So don’t be discouraged; you’re still gaining strength and endurance.
I keep moving down a level; am I doing it wrong?
Should I use KegelSmart™ 2 when I'm on my period?
Whether or not you decide to use the KegelSmart™ 2 during your period is entirely your choice. Many women find it helpful to do so, and there is no reason not to. Just like with regular usage, following the cleaning guidelines outlined in the instruction manual is important.
Should I use KegelSmart™ 2 when I'm on my period?
Does KegelSmart™ 2 help reduce urinary leakage?
Certainly! Pelvic floor training can be an effective method for treating symptoms of various types of incontinence, such as stress incontinence, urge incontinence, nighttime incontinence, and mixed incontinence.
Does KegelSmart™ 2 help reduce urinary leakage?
Can I use this device for other types of medical conditions (anything not mentioned by our documentation - pelvic organ/vaginal/uterine/rectal prolapse/ tight pelvic floor/vulvar vestibulodynia, etc.)?
KegelSmart™ 2 is only indicated specifically for strengthening weak pelvic floor muscles. If you already have other medical conditions, discussing your situation with your doctor and following their treatment recommendations is best. You can bring it up with your doctor, and they can help you decide whether or not KegelSmart™ 2 would be beneficial for your particular case. We recommend that you take the product brochure to them and discuss it.
Specific for tight pelvic floor: You may also want to ask about using a personal massager, such as the Intimina Celesse, for massaging the perineum and relaxing the pelvic floor. Some doctors prescribe this product for this use to patients with similar conditions to yours.
Can I use this device for other types of medical conditions (anything not mentioned by our documentation - pelvic organ/vaginal/uterine/rectal prolapse/ tight pelvic floor/vulvar vestibulodynia, etc.)?
How do I know I am exercising correctly?
There are two easy ways to check that you are contracting the right muscles: either use a lubricated finger to feel the lower edge of your KegelSmart™ 2 moving upwards or a mirror to see the retraction cord move upwards with each contraction. In the long term, if you progress up through the levels, you will know that you are exercising correctly and building strength.
How do I know I am exercising correctly?
How often should I do the exercises?
For best results, complete a KegelSmart™ 2 exercise routine daily. Once you have reached your goals, reduce them to 3-5 times a week to maintain your tone. Pelvic floor muscles, just like other muscle groups, require regular exercise to stay in great shape, so KegelSmart™ 2 should become part of your ongoing exercise routine.
How often should I do the exercises?
I have just started doing Kegels, and I feel a little sore in/around my vagina after exercising. Is this normal?
Even though it's great to have improvement with KegelSmart™ 2, there should not be any kind of discomforting feeling or pain. You may be just overexerting your pelvic floor muscles (which can happen with any muscles when you exercise). Still, we recommend you stop using the device and see your gynecologist to figure out what is causing this discomfort. You can use the device again if your doctor says it is ok.
I have just started doing Kegels, and I feel a little sore in/around my vagina after exercising. Is this normal?
Has the KegelSmart™ 2 been FDA approved?
KegelSmart™ 2 has passed extensive safety testing for medical devices. The FDA clears it in the US, and it’s CE-marked for Europe.
Has the KegelSmart™ 2 been FDA approved?
Is there any risk of injury using the KegelSmart™ 2?
There is no risk of injury with the KegelSmart™ 2. It's been designed to be completely safe if used as instructed. Pelvic floor exercisers should not be used during pregnancy or in the early stages of recovery from childbirth. Also, women with genitourinary or pelvic surgery should wait at least six weeks before using it. If you experience any discomfort while using KegelSmart™ 2 or for specific concerns regarding your health, you should always consult your medical practitioner.
Is there any risk of injury using the KegelSmart™ 2?
Can I recommend it to patients with hip replacement or if there are reported unexpected side effects like electrical interference with the titanium hip?
We have not done any research specifically on using KegelSmart™ 2 in patients with hip replacements. Still, the device, as part of its registration as a medical device, has undergone and passed the following testing:
IEC 60601: Medical electrical equipment Part1: General requirements of basic safety and essential performance Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility
This testing shows that the device does not create any electromagnetic interference with devices around it and is safe to use. Based on this, there would not be any problems for a person with a metallic or electrical hip replacement to use KegelSmart™ 2.
Can I recommend it to patients with hip replacement or if there are reported unexpected side effects like electrical interference with the titanium hip?
I can't feel the vibrations from the device.
KegelSmart™ 2 should not be inserted too far into the vagina to better feel the vibrations. The bottom end, where the cord attaches, should be just inside the vaginal opening. This is where most nerve endings in the vagina are located and where the pelvic floor is situated, so this position will also help the device to measure your contraction strength better.
Try different positions for the exercise - lying down, reclining position, with your legs bent or straight - you may find that in some positions, you are tensing your abdominals or thighs, which is taking away from feeling the vibrations.
Your sensitivity to the vibrations may also improve over time, as your nerves may still be recovering after your vaginal delivery.
I can't feel the vibrations from the device.
How do I insert the KegelSmart™ 2?
Inserting the KegelSmart™ 2 is very straightforward. For the easiest insertion, we recommend that you first lubricate the device itself. You then turn it on by pressing the O button. Next, by holding the KegelSmart™ 2 with the O button on the left, you can fully insert the device into your vagina. Make sure to keep the retraction cord outside the body. The routine will start within 30 seconds.
How do I insert the KegelSmart™ 2?
How do I remove the KegelSmart™ 2?
Removal of the KegelSmart™ 2 is also so straightforward. All you can do is relax your vaginal muscles, grip the retraction cord, and pull out the device. It is as simple as that.
How do I remove the KegelSmart™ 2?
Can I use the KegelSmart™ 2 while I do other things?
Use your KegelSmart™ 2 routine as an opportunity to take 5 minutes out of your day for quiet relaxation. It is your time! This way, you can focus on the routine and ensure that you use the correct Kegel technique for each contraction.
Can I use the KegelSmart™ 2 while I do other things?
Can I use the KegelSmart™ 2 if I have an infection?
It would be best not to use it if you have any inflammation or discomfort in the pelvic area or any symptoms related to infection, a sexually transmitted disease, or any surgery.
Can I use the KegelSmart™ 2 if I have an infection?
Can I use KegelSmart™ 2 if I am pregnant?
It is advised that expectant mothers refrain from introducing foreign materials into their vaginas while carrying, as there is an increased risk of miscarriage and premature rupturing of the membranes. For further details on this matter, please consult your physician.
Can I use KegelSmart™ 2 if I am pregnant?
How soon after giving birth can I use KegelSmart™ 2?
It's important to consult with your healthcare professional before using Kegel Smart 2 for the first time after giving birth. This approval is typically given during your six-week check-up, which is the average time required for the uterus to return to its normal size and for the pelvic floor to heal from any lacerations. The first few weeks postpartum should be focused on rest and relaxing the pelvic floor for optimal recovery.
How soon after giving birth can I use KegelSmart™ 2?
Can I use KegelSmart™ 2 more than once a day?
KegelSmart™ 2 was designed to give you the perfect Kegel routine in just 5 minutes a day; however, you can just use it more than that if you would like. Using it more than once is safe; however, you should refrain from exercising if your muscles feel tired or overworked.
Can I use KegelSmart™ 2 more than once a day?
Can I use KegelSmart™ 2 with a vaginal ring?
The ring may be in different positions inside the vagina. If the ring is up next to the cervix, it should be fine, as KegelSmart™ 2 sits lower in the vaginal canal. However, it depends on where the ring is located, and you should definitely check with your physician.
Can I use KegelSmart™ 2 with a vaginal ring?
How does the KegelSmart™ 2 read my pelvic strength?
KegelSmart™ 2 is equipped with touch sensor technology that allows the device to register the strength of your contractions throughout the exercise. It will then collect and analyze the data to calculate your pelvic strength level and choose the right exercise program for you.
How does the KegelSmart™ 2 read my pelvic strength?
How do I know what level I am on?
The KegelSmart™ 2 is equipped with a LED light. To check what level you are currently on, turn on the KegelSmart™ 2 and count the number of times the LED light flashes. The LED light is positioned just above the O button you use to turn on and off the device. The levels range from 1 to 5. If it flashes once, that means you are on level 1; if it flashes five times, it means you are on level 5, etc.
How do I know what level I am on?
How do I turn off the KegelSmart™ 2?
To turn off KegelSmart™ 2, hold the O button until the LED light turns off.
How do I turn off the KegelSmart™ 2?
How long should it take me to move up a level? I feel I am not improving.
Every woman is different and will move up levels at a different rate. This can depend on your starting pelvic floor strength, your natural ability to build muscle, and your diligence with the routines. Staying at the same level does not mean you aren’t improving; it just means you haven’t quite progressed enough for the next level. Like any exercise, consistency is important: if you use the exerciser daily, you will start to feel results.
How long should it take me to move up a level? I feel I am not improving.
Why am I moving down levels? Am I using it wrong?
No, you aren’t using it wrong because every woman is different. Moving down a level is entirely normal. The KegelSmart™ 2 chooses your level based on your contraction strength in the previous session. You may move down a level if you were distracted and didn’t give it your best effort in your last session or perhaps took a break between your exercises. Once you concentrate fully, you will get back into shape and start to move up.
Why am I moving down levels? Am I using it wrong?
I have been using the KegelSmart™ 2 for a while and haven't moved up a level. Why?
Every woman is entirely different. Staying at the same level does not mean you are not improving. It just means you haven’t progressed enough to reach the next level. Here are a few extra tips: make sure you are doing the exercises correctly and using the right muscles. Like all exercise, consistency is key to improvement – we recommend you do the routine every day until you reach your goal. Concentrate on your exercises; be sure you make every contraction count. Focus on following the vibrations as closely as you can.
Give your Kegels time. Try to sit down and relax instead of moving around and doing them simultaneously. It is only five minutes out of your day. Remember, we are all different; many will never reach the highest levels. The most important thing is that you feel an improvement in your pelvic health. So don’t be discouraged; you’re still gaining strength and endurance through exercising.
I have been using the KegelSmart™ 2 for a while and haven't moved up a level. Why?
How should I clean my device?
Clean your exerciser before and after each use, either with anti-bacterial soap and water or with a purpose-made product such as our Intimate Accessory Cleaner. Wipe dry with a lint-free towel or cloth. Never use cleansers containing alcohol, petroleum, or acetone, as these substances can disturb your natural balance and damage the silicone on the outer shell of the exerciser.
How should I clean my device?
Where should I keep my exerciser?
KegelSmart™ 2 comes in its own antibacterial pouch, which gives you the perfect storage place between uses. We recommend keeping it in a cool, dry space away from dirt and dust while you are not using it.
Where should I keep my exerciser?
Will the KegelSmart™ 2 help if I have pelvic organ prolapse, or is it too late?
If you already have pelvic organ prolapse, discussing your situation with your doctor and following their treatment recommendations is best. You can bring it up with your doctor, and they can help you decide whether or not KegelSmart™ 2 would be beneficial for your particular case.
Will the KegelSmart™ 2 help if I have pelvic organ prolapse, or is it too late?
I squeeze KegelSmart™ 2 with my hands, and it does not move up the levels. Are my touch sensors defective?
KegelSmart™ 2 registers your strength and moves you up a maximum of one level at a time. You will not suddenly move from level 1 to 5 by squeezing your hands. The device also measures things like reaction time and endurance throughout the routine, so it is not just the pressure you put on the sensors. Try squeezing with your hands again and see if you can move the device up through the levels. You can go through the routines a few times to see if you progress. If you cannot get the device to move up a level after a few "good" sessions with your hands, then it could be that your device is defective, in which case we will replace it.
I squeeze KegelSmart™ 2 with my hands, and it does not move up the levels. Are my touch sensors defective?
What is Balmy?
Balmy is an intimate cream formulated with hydrating hyaluronic acid and a calming and restorative complex of natural oils rich in omega fatty acids. This intimate cream moisturizes and soothes external genitals with prolonged lubricating, protective and soothing action to help restore optimal comfort and softness.
What is Balmy?
How often should I use Balmy?
You can use Balmy as many times a day as you need.
How often should I use Balmy?
Is Balmy made for internal use?
No, Balmy is made for external use only.
Is Balmy made for internal use?
How should I apply Balmy?
Apply a small amount of product to the genital area as many times a day as needed.
How should I apply Balmy?
What’s Balmy’s pH?
Balmy’s pH value is 4.5
What’s Balmy’s pH?
Is Balmy compatible with condoms?
Yes, Balmy is suitable for use with condoms.
Is Balmy compatible with condoms?
Where is Balmy made?
Balmy is made in Spain.
Where is Balmy made?
Does Balmy have a specific smell?
No, Balmy is perfume, colorants and wheat derivatives free (gluten-free).
Does Balmy have a specific smell?
What is Balmy made of?
Balmy’s main ingredients include high water content, avocado oil, hyaluronic acid, shea butter and squalane.
What is Balmy made of?
Where exactly should I apply Balmy?
Apply Balmy only on the external parts of your vulva.
Where exactly should I apply Balmy?
Can Balmy produce rash or irritation?
Balmy is perfume, colorants and wheat derivatives free. It is made for moisturizing and soothing external genitals and restoring optimal comfort and softness. It is dermatologist and gynecologist tested. However, if it causes irritation or rash, discontinue using it.
Can Balmy produce rash or irritation?
What is the shelf life of Balmy?
We recommend using Balmy eight months after it is opened. Cosmetic and skincare products do not have an exact expiration date, as a product’s shelf life will vary based on when it’s opened and how it’s used and stored. The number inside the jar represents how many months it’s viable after being opened. After this time, a product will slowly degrade and lose its potency.
What is the shelf life of Balmy?
Is Balmy tested on animals?
No, Balmy has not been tested on animals.
Is Balmy tested on animals?
Can Balmy be used by pregnant women?
Yes, Balmy is safe for pregnant women. Balmy is perfume, colorants and wheat derivatives free. It is made for moisturizing and soothing external genitals and restoring optimal comfort and softness. It is dermatologist and gynecologist tested.
Can Balmy be used by pregnant women?
What exactly is recommended by WHO in terms of pH and osmolality?
From 4.5 to 5.5. Skin’s surface and uppermost layers are naturally acidic, making it compatible with acidic skin care products. Although research on skin’s pH range cites various numbers, the collected research shows that skin’s average pH is 4.7. This is why Balmy with pH 4,5 is pH neutral for our skin.
What exactly is recommended by WHO in terms of pH and osmolality?
What is osmolality?
The concentration of a solution expressed as the total number of solute particles per kilogram.
What is osmolality?
Why is Balmy tested on nickel, cobalt, chrome, palladium and mercury?
To prove that it does not contain any heavy metals.
Why is Balmy tested on nickel, cobalt, chrome, palladium and mercury?
What’s the difference between the INTIMINA Feminine Moisturizer and Balmy?
Intimina Balmy is a soothing cream for the vulva and external part of the vagina, and Feminine Moisturizer is a water-based vaginal moisturizer (lube) enriched with aloe vera to supplement your body’s natural moisture.
What’s the difference between the INTIMINA Feminine Moisturizer and Balmy?
Is there any difference between vaginal and vulvar creams?
Vaginal creams are targeted directly to the vagina and vulvar creams are intended for the outer part of your genitals.
Is there any difference between vaginal and vulvar creams?
Is it possible to have sexual intercourse after using the cream?
Yes. (But don’t use it as a lubricant!)
Is it possible to have sexual intercourse after using the cream?
Why do women need Balmy? / Why can’t women use their everyday body lotion to soothe their vulva?
The same reason we cannot use body lotion for the skin on the face; the skin is different. Vulva skin is more sensitive, and it is often waxed or shaved. This is why we need special soothing creams dedicated only to that part of the body.
Why do women need Balmy? / Why can’t women use their everyday body lotion to soothe their vulva?
Could Balmy also be used on other parts of the skin? For example, on your face? (more value for money…)
Balmy is recommended to be used on the vulva.
Could Balmy also be used on other parts of the skin? For example, on your face? (more value for money…)
What happens if Balmy gets in touch with your vagina because we specifically say only for external use?
Nothing will happen.
What happens if Balmy gets in touch with your vagina because we specifically say only for external use?
Can Balmy impact the pH of the vagina?
No, normal vaginal pH ranges between 3.8 and 5.0. Balmy with the pH of 4.5 cannot impact the pH of the vagina.
Can Balmy impact the pH of the vagina?
If women are on their period, can they use Balmy regardless of the kind of period product they use (cup, tampon, period underwear…), or can they use Balmy at all during that time?
They can use Balmy whenever they want, even during the period.
If women are on their period, can they use Balmy regardless of the kind of period product they use (cup, tampon, period underwear…), or can they use Balmy at all during that time?
Can Balmy be used on the vulvary “fork” (the link between the pelvic floor and the vagina)?
Can Balmy be used on the vulvary “fork” (the link between the pelvic floor and the vagina)?
Can Balmy be used on a person suffering from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism?
Please take advice from your medical supervisor.
Can Balmy be used on a person suffering from hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism?
What is the molecular weight and the concentration of the hyaluronic acid in Balmy’s formulation?
There is 0,10% of hyaluronic acid. It’s sodium Hyaluronate with a molecular weight between 1.000 and 1.800 kDa - high molecular weight.
What is the molecular weight and the concentration of the hyaluronic acid in Balmy’s formulation?
Is Balmy rejuvenating the vulvar skin?
Even if Balmy has hyaluronic acid, it does not rejuvenate the skin.
Is Balmy rejuvenating the vulvar skin?
I have been using the KegelSmart™ 2 for a while and haven't moved up a level. Why?
Every woman is entirely different. Staying at the same level does not mean you are not improving. It just means you haven’t progressed enough to reach the next level. Here are a few extra tips: make sure you are doing the exercises correctly and using the right muscles. Like all exercise, consistency is key to improvement – we recommend you do the routine every day until you reach your goal. Concentrate on your exercises; be sure you make every contraction count. Focus on following the vibrations as closely as you can.
Give your Kegels time. Try to sit down and relax instead of moving around and doing them simultaneously. It is only five minutes out of your day. Remember, we are all different; many will never reach the highest levels. The most important thing is that you feel an improvement in your pelvic health. So don’t be discouraged; you’re still gaining strength and endurance through exercising.
I have been using the KegelSmart™ 2 for a while and haven't moved up a level. Why?
Sterilizing Cup
How do I use Intimina Sterilizing Cup?
OPTION 1: Use this method when there is no tap water available. Bottled water will work, too. Empty the content of your menstrual cup, place it in the sterilizing container, and fill it with clean water. Put the lid on and shake it up for a few seconds. Make sure to keep one finger on the lid.
OPTION 2: Use this method at home for quick and easy cup sterilization. Empty the content of your menstrual cup, place it in the cleaning container, and fill it with clean water. Put the lid on, but don't close it all the way to allow the steam to evaporate when water boils. Boil it in the microwave for 3-5 minutes. Use a medium power level. Let it cool before taking the menstrual cup out.
How do I use Intimina Sterilizing Cup?
How do I set the microwave for the Sterilizing Cup?
We suggest a medium-level setting. The correct wattage settings depend on your microwave model. The water must be boiling for the disinfection to be effective. If in doubt, please consider reading your microwave manual.
How do I set the microwave for the Sterilizing Cup?
Can Sterilizing Cup melt inside the microwave?
No, the Sterilizing Cup cannot melt inside the microwave.
Can Sterilizing Cup melt inside the microwave?
I have two or more Intimina cups. Can I boil them in the Sterilizing Cup at the same time?
We do not advise sterilizing two cups at the same time.
I have two or more Intimina cups. Can I boil them in the Sterilizing Cup at the same time?
Is Sterilizing Cup suitable for all Intimina cups?
Yes, you can sterilize all Intimina cups inside of the Sterilizing Cup.
Is Sterilizing Cup suitable for all Intimina cups?
How should I store the Sterilizing Cup, and where?
You can store your Sterilizing Cup anywhere you see fit, but we advise it to be in a dry space at room temperature.
How should I store the Sterilizing Cup, and where?
From which material is Sterilizing Cup made?
Sterilizing Cup is made of hygienic, eco-friendly silicone.
From which material is Sterilizing Cup made?
I'm at work and can't put my Intimina cup to boil in the microwave. Can I still use the Sterilizing Cup to clean it, and how?
Suppose you want to clean your menstrual cup but can't use the microwave. In that case, we advise the following procedure: First, fill your Sterilizing Cup with clean water. Once you go to the bathroom, take out your menstrual cup and empty its content into the toilet. Once you've done that, put your menstrual cup into your Sterilizing Cup and completely seal it with the lid. Shake the Sterilizing Cup a few times so the water cleans your menstrual cup.
I'm at work and can't put my Intimina cup to boil in the microwave. Can I still use the Sterilizing Cup to clean it, and how?
Do I need to boil my cup inside the Sterilizing Cup every time I reinsert it?
We do not recommend boiling your menstrual cup so often. The best practice is to do it approx—twice a month - at the beginning and the end of your cycle.
Do I need to boil my cup inside the Sterilizing Cup every time I reinsert it?
Can I also add an intimate cleanser in the water inside the Sterilizing Cup for additional sterilization?
If you did not sterilize your menstrual cup inside the microwave, but by shaking the water inside your sterilizing cup, we recommend using the cleanser afterward for added security.
Can I also add an intimate cleanser in the water inside the Sterilizing Cup for additional sterilization?
What is the expiration date of the Sterilizing Cup?
Sterilizing Cup has no expiration date. Use it as often as you need, for as long as you need.
What is the expiration date of the Sterilizing Cup?
Tips & tricks
Always remember to wash your hands before handling your cup - consider carrying antibacterial hand wipes or hand sanitizer in your bag. Our cups are designed to inhibit bacterial growth so you can skip a rinse once in a while. If you don’t have access to a sink, you may use a piece of toilet paper to wipe the cup and re-insert it. Another option is to take a bottle of water with you into the bathroom stall and rinse the cup over the toilet. Discard your menstrual fluid into the toilet, wash your cup, and reinsert. If it is not possible to clean your cup, you may reinsert it without washing as long as your hands are clean.
Can you lose a menstrual cup inside of you, or can it get stuck?
No, the vagina ends at the cervix, so you can’t lose the cup in your body. If you are having trouble removing the cup, try to relax your body and use just your pelvic floor muscles to push the cup down until you can grip the stem and pull it further down. Once you can reach the base, squeeze it to break the seal, which will make it easier to slide out. You can also slide your finger up to the rim and press there to break the seal.
Is there something wrong if your cup is leaking?
It’s possible that the cup isn’t inserted high enough, so you can try pushing it in as far as you can, then tug it down a bit to make sure it opens fully to create a seal. This should keep it in place. If you’ve already done this and your cup is still sliding down, it's also possible that you have a weaker pelvic floor, and if that is the case, we recommend trying out a bigger cup that should sit more securely once inserted. If you already have one of our bigger cups, you can try strengthening your pelvic floor. This can be done with simple Kegel exercises - contracting and releasing the pelvic floor. This exercise can be done alone or with the help of a device, such as our KegelSmart or Laselle weights.
Can the cup collapse inside you?
No, our cups are always designed to stay rigid when worn. They will only collapse when you use your hands to collapse it.
Can I wear my cup while exercising?
Yes, if the cup is inserted properly, then you can rest assured that it will protect you when you exercise.
Is it normal to receive a cup with two tiny holes on the top, by the rim?
Yes, it’s completely normal! Those are air holes, and they are very useful in creating and releasing the seal you need to make sure your cup is inserted correctly. With any menstrual cup, it’s very important to allow enough air to flow behind/above the cup in your vagina to make sure the suction is as gentle as possible. After you insert and get the cup positioned, you can insert your finger up along the side of the cup to the rim and press a bit on the rim to allow air to flow up.
Menstrual cups and pain?
Intimina cups are made from ultra-soft medical silicone to prevent any kind of discomfort and pain while in use, so you should not be feeling pain if the cup is inserted correctly. Often, this pain is caused by the positioning of the cup or the insertion method – it can take a few cycles to find the one that works best for you. The pain could be caused by the cup being pressed against your cervix or a more sensitive part of your vaginal tissue, which can often cause cramps or discomfort. If it’s up against the front wall of your vagina, it could be putting pressure on your urethra or your bladder and causing you a bit of pain. What you can do is use a clean finger to feel around the cup once you start feeling a bit of pain. Then you can try out different positions/placement for the cup to ensure that it doesn’t rub up against that spot. If the cup is pressing against your urethra, you can try pushing it up a bit higher to alleviate the pressure.
To learn more about TTS (toxic shock syndrome), visit our blog.
Tips & tricks
How to dispose of a cup?
The cups can be recycled at any facility that processes medical-grade silicone. You could try calling your local hospital and see if they can refer you to the location they use.
How to dispose of a cup?
Where to store your cup?
We recommend storing your cup in the provided anti-bacterial storage - pouch or protective case.
You can wash the storage pouch in the washing machine. We recommend using a non-irritating detergent that will be gentle to your intimate areas. The protective case can be washed with soap and water, and then dried before use.
Where to store your cup?
Can cups be used with an IUD?
Yes, Intimina Cups are held in a lower position than a tampon and should not interfere with an internal birth control device such as an IUD or the ring. However, please consult your medical practitioner prior to using the cup if you use an internal birth-control device.
Before using any cup with an IUD you should confirm with your doctor in your follow up appointment that the IUD is positioned correctly and that the strings are not too long. While using the cup you should also make sure that you are breaking the seal before removing and that the strings are above the cup when you wear it so you don’t pull on them when you remove the cup either.
Can cups be used with an IUD?
Can the cup give me a yeast infection?
Intimina Cups were designed with gynecologists and are made of 100% medical grade silicone, which is completely inert and non-porous so it actually inhibits bacteria and yeast growth. However, during your period you can become more susceptible to infection because of changes in vaginal pH (normal vaginal pH is around 3.8-4.5, but blood pH is 7.4), which can make the environment more hospitable to bad bacteria and yeast. With recurring infections, your pH can normalize during the rest of your cycle, only for the infection to return again during your next period. Generally, we recommend that if you have any infection or irritation you stop using the cups (or any internal period protection) until you are sure the infection has cleared up. Then be sure to fully sterilize the cup by boiling it for 5 to 8 minutes. You should always wash your hands before handling the cups or inserting or removing. Once the yeast infection has cleared up you will be able to use the cups without any issue, you'll just need to make sure that your cup is completely clean and sanitized so you don't reinfect yourself. If you have any concerns then we do encourage you to to see your doctor.
Can the cup give me a yeast infection?
Can I use a cup if I am a virgin?
Generally, women who have not had intercourse have no problem using the cups (though like any new user there is a learning period). For most women, the hymen is not actually a solid barrier that breaks when you insert something into your vagina or have sex (though rarely some women do have thicker hymens). Every woman’s body is different, but for most women, there are natural holes in it to allow things like menstrual fluid to flow out. These holes are generally large enough for tampons and menstrual cups to be inserted easily – it just takes a little practice to find the right positioning for your body. Virginity is not a measurement on how to choose a cup. For those concerned about the hymen, please always a consult medical practitioner prior to use.
Can I use a cup if I am a virgin?
Can a menstrual cup prevent STD transmission?
Menstrual cups will not protect you from STD's or pregnancy. However, you can enjoy sexual intercourse while wearing a Ziggy Cup, but please remove other Intimina cups prior to intercourse.
Can a menstrual cup prevent STD transmission?
What about menstrual cups and post pregnancy?
You should not use any internal period protection until your doctor says you are completely healed and approves it (at least 6 weeks after birth). If you have any questions about your specific situation, please contact your doctor.
What about menstrual cups and post pregnancy?
Download manuals for our products
Download manuals for our products
How do I track my order?
All shipping information will be emailed to you as soon as your purchase is shipped, including the date of shipment, shipping company, tracking number, and tracking link. Please use the link included in the email to track your delivery directly on the delivery company webpage.
If the link is not responsive, please access the web page of the delivery company and enter the tracking number manually to verify the status of your delivery.
How do I track my order?
Do you ship to a PO box?
Shipping to a Postal Office box is possible only in the USA.
Do you ship to a PO box?
Import duty
When shopping outside the EU or the USA, there may be additional duties, fees, or taxes raised by the authorities in your country over which we have no control. If so, your Customs office will inform you accordingly, and you will need to take care of these costs when receiving the shipment.
Import Duty in Canada
If you do not wish to pay these fees, you may refuse the customs brokerage accounting services offered by DHL and handle the import process independently by ""self-clearing"". Again, Intimina is not involved in this and we sadly are not able to offer advice on the process. Please contact your customs office or the CBSA for information on self-clearing, as they should be able to give you all the information.
Import duty
Tax ID
The Taxpayer Identification Number is a personal identifying number generally used for tax purposes. When shipping a parcel to one of the countries listed below, the Customs office requests the receiver to provide his/her TAX ID. If this information is not available, the package is returned to the shipper. To accelerate the delivery process and assure its success, we ask you to provide this information together with your shipping address when placing your order on our website. If you do not possess a TAX ID in the Country where you want to receive your parcel, please provide a shipping address in an alternative country or contact customercare@intimina.com for further support. These are the countries requiring a mandatory TAX ID:
- Argentina
- Canary Islands
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Guyana
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
Tax ID
Can I return my purchase?
If you changed your mind about your intimina.com purchase, you can return it unopened within 14 days of product reception.
Please note that we cannot accept returns or exchanges on items that have been opened.
Shipping charges will only be refunded in cases where our error caused the return.
To return or exchange an unopened product, please contact our Customer Care. If you find that the box has been damaged, opened, or its contents are missing upon receipt of your delivery, please take a photograph of the damaged packaging and email it to us, so we may offer you a positive solution.
Can I return my purchase?
Customs Information (additional charges)
Shipping price is a set fee per order - independent of country of delivery, the number of products or their weight. This set fee is currently EUR 8.90 or USD 9.90, depending on the customer's location.
Customs Information (additional charges)
What is Buy with Prime (BWP)?
BWP allows customers to purchase cups, discs, and more directly from intimina.com using their Amazon Prime accounts. Check out as usual and select the ‘Amazon Pay’ or ‘Buy with Prime’ option, and the items will ship from the closest Amazon warehouse that carries them.
What is Buy with Prime (BWP)?
What’s the benefit of using the BWP feature?
The two things we love most are fast and free shipping. We especially appreciate them when it comes to intimate care items. Seamless checkout is an added bonus.
What’s the benefit of using the BWP feature?
Is BWP available for everyone and every INTIMINA product?
BWP is currently available for U.S. customers and on select items (which fluctuate in supply based on Amazon warehouse availability), but don’t worry; most of the bestsellers should remain well-stocked.
Is BWP available for everyone and every INTIMINA product?
How does INTIMINA get my Amazon info?
When checking out on intimina.com, you’ll be prompted to log in to your Amazon Prime account, which will automatically and securely populate your information.
How does INTIMINA get my Amazon info?
Will tracking appear in the Amazon account?
Yes, the Amazon app now has a ‘Buy with Prime’ tab under ‘Orders’ for order tracking.
Will tracking appear in the Amazon account?
Will I have the option for free returns?
Free returns are available on eligible orders, just like regular Prime items, no questions asked.
Will I have the option for free returns?
Can returns be generated through an Amazon account?
Yes, returns can be generated via confirmation email or from the ‘Orders’ tab in the Amazon app.