KegelSmart 2

KegelSmart™ 2


Un dispositif médical qui renforce le plancher pelvien

KegelSmart 2

Pour être plus forte !

La science à l’origine de KegelSmart™ 2 est simple et transparente.


la force musculaire du plancher pelvien a doublé en moyenne au bout de 12 semaines


un meilleur contrôle de leur vessie dans 90 % des cas


un meilleur tonus musculaire vaginal dans 94 % des cas

Les informations ci-dessus ont été obtenues à partir d’un essai clinique de KegelSmart™ effectué par la Dre Debra Wickman, diplômée du FACOG (Collège américain des obstétriciens et gynécologues) et de la University Medicine Institute (Centre médical universitaire) de Banner, Phénix, Arizona.

Lire le rapport entier ici

For a stronger pelvic floor

Dans quels cas les exercices de Kegel peuvent-ils aider ?

Après l’accouchement

Des muscles pelviens forts sont mieux contrôlés lorsque le bébé vient au monde. Le tissu périnéal a été étiré pendant l’accouchement par voie basse. Les exercices de Kegel peuvent l’aider à guérir, prévenant ainsi les problèmes d’incontinence.

Dans quels cas les exercices de Kegel peuvent-ils aider ?

L’incontinence urinaire à l’effort

L’incontinence à l’effort se caractérise par de petites fuites urinaires dues à une pression exercée sur la vessie, notamment quand vous toussez, éternuez, riez, courez, faites du sport ou soulevez un objet lourd. Les exercices de Kegel peuvent toutefois y remédier.

Dans quels cas les exercices de Kegel peuvent-ils aider ?

La périménopause et la ménopause

En forgeant et en maintenant la force des muscles du périnée, les organes pelviens sont plus propices à rester dans leur position naturelle, ce qui contribue à avoir un bon transit intestinal, à palier l’incontinence et à réduire la sensation d’inconfort pendant les rapports sexuels.

Professional advice

Dr. Margo Kwiatkowski

Dr. Kwiatkowski practices orthopedic, sport, and pelvic health physical therapy, and here are some quick and easy tips & tricks everybody should know when it comes to pelvic floor health and Kegel exercises.


Your how to use guide

STEP 3: Get started


Turn it on

Turn your KegelSmart™ 2 exerciser by pressing the O button; the exercise routine will start automatically after 30 seconds.


Insert it

Fully insert the device into your vagina, keeping the retraction cord outside the body for easier removal after your workout.


Get started

You will feel a series of 3 quick vibrations, signaling the start of the exercise routine. And now you just need to - start working out!

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KegelSmart 2
-14.99 USD -15%
KegelSmart 2
-14.99 USD -15%
KegelSmart 2
-14.99 USD -15%
KegelSmart 2
-14.99 USD -15%
KegelSmart 2
-14.99 USD -15%
KegelSmart 2
-14.99 USD -15%
KegelSmart 2
-14.99 USD -15%
KegelSmart 2
-14.99 USD -15%
KegelSmart 2
-14.99 USD -15%
KegelSmart 2

KegelSmart™ 2

Pour une routine de Kegel guidée

KegelSmart™ 2 utilise une technologie de capteurs tactiles pour enregistrer la force de votre périnée et définir le niveau d’exercices qui vous convient le mieux. Le programme de biofeedback intelligent adaptera automatiquement le niveau à mesure que votre force augmente. Développé par des gynécologues et fabriqué en silicone ABS médical ultradoux parfaitement sûr pour le corps. Essayez KegelSmart™ 2 : les exercices guidés vous aideront à mieux contrôler votre vessie, à améliorer les sensations pendant l’amour et à renforcer votre tonus musculaire vaginal postpartum. Ce produit est doté d’une pile au lithium rechargeable de 3,7 V – 200 mAh et d’un chargeur.

$US 99.95
$US 84.96


What is KegelSmart™ 2? What’s the difference from the first KegelSmart™?

KegelSmart™ 2 is the new generation of our first personal trainer for your pelvic floor, the original KegelSmart™. It's offering a whole new way to do your Kegel exercises. Setting you a routine that is simple to follow, safe to use, and completely tailored to your individual needs, KegelSmart™ devices are Kegel exercising made easy. KegelSmart™ 2 has five progressive levels, each with an exercise routine that perfectly matches your strength level. Its advanced technology registers your pelvic floor strength and automatically sets the exercise level to suit your needs. Simply follow the vibration-guided program; you only have to contract when it vibrates and rest when it stops. In less than 5 minutes, you will have completed an expertly designed pelvic exercise routine. If you're wondering about the difference from the device's first generation, the new KegelSmart™ 2 does not need batteries - it's completely rechargeable and comes with a charging cord.

What advantages does KegelSmart™ 2 have over unassisted training?  

Kegels are the most important exercises a woman can do to protect her intimate health at every age. However, many women don’t get the full benefits of their exercises because they don’t know how to do Kegels correctly without assistance. Research shows that 50% of women cannot complete a correct Kegel contraction using written or verbal instructions alone. This is why the KegelSmart™ 2 has so many advantages. KegelSmart™ 2 chooses an exercise level that is perfectly suited for your pelvic floor strength, ensuring that you exercise at a level that will bring you the best results. It also guides you through every contraction of the exercise routine, ensuring that you hold and rest for the right amount of time with no need for counting. The device itself provides an anatomically shaped object to contract around, offering resistance and helping you to exercise correctly. KegelSmart™ 2 is your personal trainer for intimate fitness – it gives you personalized coaching and the motivation to achieve your goals.

What is the difference between the five levels?

The KegelSmart™ 2 exercise routines get gradually more challenging as you move from level 1 to level 5. Specifically, the length of time you need to hold the squeeze of your pelvic floor muscles at each contraction increases; the rest time between squeezes is shorter; hence the duration of the exercise sessions gets longer as you move up the levels. While exercising, KegelSmart™ 2 measures the strength of your squeeze, how long you can hold the squeeze, and how quickly your muscles respond when you need to squeeze. When these aspects have improved, it will move you up to the next level. KegelSmart™ 2 can also move you down a level if you are struggling with the new routine, so you are always exercising safely and not overexerting your muscles.

Does KegelSmart™ 2 help reduce urinary leakage?

Certainly! Pelvic floor training can be an effective method for treating symptoms of various types of incontinence, such as stress incontinence, urge incontinence, nighttime incontinence, and mixed incontinence.

How often should I do the exercises?

For best results, complete a KegelSmart™ 2 exercise routine daily. Once you have reached your goals, reduce them to 3-5 times a week to maintain your tone. Pelvic floor muscles, just like other muscle groups, require regular exercise to stay in great shape, so KegelSmart™ 2 should become part of your ongoing exercise routine.

How does the KegelSmart™ 2 read my pelvic strength?

KegelSmart™ 2 is equipped with touch sensor technology that allows the device to register the strength of your contractions throughout the exercise. It will then collect and analyze the data to calculate your pelvic strength level and choose the right exercise program for you.


Pelvic Floor 101: What Is The Pelvic Floor?

Pelvic Floor 101: What Is The Pelvic Floor?

Many people have heard about Kegels, but not many people are aware of the muscles they are exercising: the pelvic floor. 

The pelvic floor is a muscular bowl inside of the pelvis that helps support the pelvic organs, including the bladder, colon, and the uterus or the prostate. 

How To Tell If You Have A Weak Pelvic Floor

How To Tell If You Have A Weak Pelvic Floor

We know, we know. We never shut about Kegel exercises, and how important they are for your pelvic floor. That neat, hammock-like structure does a pretty big job! This group of muscles supports your internal organs, and its contractions help not only with the last bits of the digestive process but are also engaged when you climax!